Tuesday, October 26, 2010


update 11/10/10 - The show went really well on 11/6!
Here's a pic of The ZISTAS in our dressing room:


I will be dancing with the ISLAND ZUMBA crew in this Showcase!

Come see dance performances by New York Sports Clubs members featuring: Zumba, Masala Bhangra, Hip Hop, African Dance, Urban Funk and more

Saturday, November 6th @ 8:00pm

Harlem Stage @ Aaron Davis Hall

150 Convent Ave 9W. 135th St, NYC)

Aaron Davis Hall (a three theater complex) is located on the campus of The City College of New York, between West 133rd and 135th Street on Convent Avenue.

General Admission tickets $20 in advance ($25 day of)

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Harlem Stage.

The program will run about 90 minutes with an intermission and will feature:

NYSC Broadway & Spring - SoHo, Zumbalicious. Mary Onyango, choreographer.

NYSC 59th & Park, Island Zumba. Irena Meletiou, choreographer.

NYSC 49th & Broadway, VirtuoSICK! Kendra Kemerley, choreographer.

NYSC 62nd & Broadway, Bumps in the Night. Brandon Mason, choreographer.

NYSC 62nd & Broadway, Love, Celebration and Betrayal and VANITY. Johnnie Paolillo, choreographer

NYSC 76th & 1st Ave, West African. Fanzy Monguehy Taha, choreographer.

NYSC 76th & 1st Ave, Bollywood Meets Bhangra. Gail Rivas, choreographer

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My SNL Dream 10.5.10

My SNL Dream...
Evie Aronson on Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 7:25pm
I was back stage at SNL and Keanu Reeves was the host - he ran out on stage wearing a pair of chaps and no shirt (!) while the band was playing and he did some kind of pyro effect....
Later I was at the after-party talking to Jesse Eisenberg and Will Ferrell - they both had curly hair so I said Will could have been Jesse's stunt
double in "The Social Network" ! (as if he needed one for that film!)
The only problem the director would always be like "Will, you have to bend down a little - you're too tall"
They thought this was hilarious - Will 'Yes And'd ' this idea and started bending down so he was the same height as Jesse. Then I think I left. What a fun party - hahahahahahah
p.s. Today is Jesse Eisenberg's Birthday - Oct 5th!